Utbilda dig till healer!

En del av er har frågat mig om jag känner till någon healerkurs. Mitt svar har varit så där lagom hett, jag har inte haft något särskilt att rekommendera. Men, det finns ett medium och healer som jag rekommenderar i Happytown: Mark Bajerski. I veckan fick jag ett mail från hans arrangör av events i Sverige, Jessica Hardiman. Kanske kan detta intresserar er? Bara boendet, ett sådant där som man bara suckar när man ser på bild; privat pool, vit villa, Spanien, sol, värme och relax! Intresserade? Kika då på texten nedan.

Glad fredag och trevlig helg till er alla!

Jag har en plats kvar till healing kursen med Mark Bajerski då vi är sex stycken som åker ner till Mijas Pueblo, Malaga, Spanien den 7-13 november. Flyget går från Göteborg till Malaga. Vi kommer att bo i en vacker villa med utsikt över bergen och havet med många härliga stunder till både meditation och umgänge. Låter detta som något för dig läs mer om det här eller gå in på www.markbajerski.comFör priser och bokning kontakta Jessica Hardiman på Jessica@hardiman.seeller tel 0708144186, fler kursdatum kommer att finnas tillgängliga nästa årPURE ENERGY HEALING – LEVELS 1, 2, 3, MASTERS 4 DAY CERTIFICATE COURSE 9TH, 10TH, 11TH AND 12TH OF NOVEMBER. The Pure Energy Healing Masters course is ideal for anyone who wishes to live and to work as a Pure Energy Healer. The course takes place over 4 full-days and, due the intense nature of the programme places are typically limited to a maximum of 5 – 7 attendees. A high-level breakdown of what is covered on each day is outlined hereunder. Day 1 – Mark provides an intense and guided teaching on self-healing, the first vital step towards becoming a Pure Energy Healer. Cutting the cords of any negativities and clearing away issues, will leave the participant fully energized and open to a much deeper Spiritual Connection. Introduction

to Pure Energy Healing: a uniquely effective channel where deep healing occurs. Clearing and Cleansing: Breaking down walls/barriers and removing negative beliefs. Self-Healing: Enabling Spiritual connection to allow deep self-healing to occur. Day 2 – Mark prepares participants for the practice of healing others. In understanding how energy works, how to attune to those energies and how to work with them reveals a powerful new way for each participant to help themselves and to help heal others in overcoming painful challenges. Intense learning and understanding on working with different energies. Effective Spiritual attunement: deep connection to inner spiritual source allowing for an open flow of pure energy healing. Developing Healing intuition and recognizing where healing is most needed. Identifying the most powerful connecting points for channeling healing. Day 3 – Participants receive a practical overview on tools of divination that aid in deep healing. The day will focus heavily on intense and practical one-on-one healing sessions. A gentle and safe environment will be provided where participants can apply their learning through practical, hands-on healing sessions. Mark will be guiding each participant as they work as Pure Energy Healers with a number of invited guests. Greeting your guest, connecting to his/her energy to facilitate a powerful energy flow. Attunement to Spirit to facilitate as a channel for pure divine healing to occur. Mark will provide guidance throughout all healing sessions.Day 4: Working as a Master in Pure Energy Healer, day 4 provides participants with the answers to the question ‘What now?’ Each participant will receive practical advice and guidelines on how to begin life working as a Pure Energy Healer. With over 10 years working experience Mark is one of the most sought-after healers in Europe. Based on his own personal experiences, from life as a highly successful Auctioneer to full-time Spiritual Healer, Mark fully understands how starting-out can feel overwhelming and a big step for many.

This day offers participants all the advice and support needed to take that step and fly! Pure Energy Healer: how to begin. Key secrets, highs/lows, what to expect? Practical tools and guidance to overcoming obstacles.